Cervical Prodisc C
The most studied and clinically-proven total disc replacement technology in the world.
Determined Safe & Effective for Intractable SCDD
The prodisc C Total Disc Replacement has been determined to be safe and effective in the treatment of intractable symptomatic cervical disc disease (SCDD) at one level from C3 to C7.
The prodisc C Total Disc Replacement surgery is intended to:
Remove the diseased disc
Restore normal disc height
Decompress surrounding neural structures
Potentially provide motion in affected vertebral segment
Improve patient function
Anatomical Sizing
18 anatomical sizes facilitate an accurate match with the patient’s anatomy
6 footprints
3 heights (5, 6 and 7 mm)
Streamlined Instrumentation
Designed for standard transverse approach to the anterior cervical spine
Enables clear visualization into the disc space
Secure Fixation with No Profile
Patented central keel provides secure primary fixation
Plasma-sprayed titanium surface on bone contacting surfaces promotes integration and increases stability
Implant does not contact anterior soft tissue structures after implantation