VersaWrap is an FDA-cleared medical device implant (not tissue) comprising hyaluronic acid (HA) and alginate that provides a gelatinous encasement for peripheral nerves, tendons, and surrounding tissues such as ligaments and skeletal muscles. VersaWrap allows tissues to glide and to remain untethered, thereby reducing reoperations and improving patient outcomes.
VersaWrap-treated animals had significantly less scarring as evidenced histologically (Fig 1). VersaWrap significantly reduced the energy required to flex the repaired digit (Fig 2), demonstrating less unwanted extrinsic (tendon-to-surrounding tissue) scarring and an improved overall recovery. Furthermore, the strength of the healed tendon was preserved, demonstrating that VersaWrap does not interrupt desired intrinsic (tendon-to-tendon) healing (Fig 3).
Preclinical Results:
Scarring (Fig. 1)- No tissue attachments were observed to VersaWrap or VersaWrap - protected areas. Work of flexion (Fig. 2)- The energy required to flex the digit was significantly reduced with the application of VersaWrap. These results demonstrate a reduction in unwanted extrinsic healing that often tethers tendons to surrounding tissue. Repaired tendon strength (Fig. 3)- The significant improvement in repaired tendon with the application of VersaWrap demonstrates that VersaWrap protects desired intrinsic tendon-to-tendon healing.